Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Re-prioritizing the Revolution, or, Social Darwinism Meets the Horrible New York Club

Saturday night my indefatigable visitor, two of her friends, and yours truly attempt to take in a Tsunami Relief Benefit show, for which several good bands were supposed to be head-lining. Noticed that I used the words "attempt" and "supposed to," did you?
This was my first (whoops, almost typed "fist" there; slow down, you're getting too freudian) experience with standing in line to get into a new york city club. The sorts of clubs I usually like don't have velvet ropes, but, hey, who am I to argue with a charity show, right? Apparently the guy who's in charge of the line is deeply concerned about the gender balance inside the club, and will only let in groups where the proportion of girls exceeds that of the males. Example? Four young fellows who all kinds of looked the part of the intended audience for the indie techno/rock bands that were playing had to wait for a really long time while some dude in a mesh muscle shirt with six vapid and vacuous "ladies" walks right through the door, no waiting. [Editor's note: said dude left not five minutes later, complaining about the music]. Carol was our saving grace, and we finally got in only to learn that THE BANDS ARE NOT PLAYING (I am yelling as I type) BUT RATHER ONLY DJ-ING AND THE PLACE IS HORRIBLY SMALL AND EVERYONE OVERREACTS TO MY INCREDIBLY BRIGHT SCIENCE BELT.
Backed into a veritable culture corner (not to be confused with culture kitchen), I did what I could -- I territorialized the dance floor like the elected representative from Jumbo Crazy Danceland until I was good and tired, and then we left.
Someone reminded me recently that social darwinism has nothing to do with morals or absolute value -- it has only to do with what species are most fit at a particular time and in a particular circumstance. If that time and circumstance ever involves being accompanied by a lot of women and an entry way governed by a velvet rope, I can only conclude that I will be left outside to be eaten by glaciers, or something.

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