Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm feeling fat and sassy

This weekend was nothing else if not a master class in the art of being really, profoundly unproductive. A recital in time-burglary was given by Profs. Graham and Andrew on the luxurious pleather couch on Saturday, with both guilty pleasure to me and great detriment to my academic carreer. When Ann and her friend showed up for an impromptu visit, I abandoned any plans for getting work done. Unless, of course, you count "eating pancakes at a greasy diner at 5 in the morning" work, which, incidentally, I do not.

I'm not behind in my work, but I'm also not ahead. I've been so locked into doing everything in the least amount of time and the highest degree of stress that such conditions are becoming, I fear, the only ones under which I accomplish my tasks. Does anyone else get this way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that lately I haven't had the time to discover whether or not I can do anything without stress and fear as motivating factors. I think I can relate to your condition!