Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Very Busy Week (part one of five)

This week I was joined in NYC by a group of kids from ann arbor, some of whom were looking for a place to rent in their impending move to the city, some of whom were just along for the ride. I got to play host/guide for a good chunk of that week, and ye gods did we ever get into some stuff.

The first highlight on this reel was the BODIES exhibit. This was breathtakingly amazing, humbling, and fasctinating. It presents preserved human bodies in various stages of dissection, and makes accesible to all comers a view of the intricacies and complex beauty of the human machine that would never be possible otherwise. The histological preservation is expert, and what is shown is unbelievable. Attendance was made an unofficial requirement for all NYU med students. I have wanted to go for some time, and this week the A2 gang wanted to go, too.

I admit to knowing that there is some controversy around this show - that some of the bodies were not donated, but rather "collected" from "unclaimed or unidentified" bodies at the exhibit's point or origin, the University of Beijing. Meaning, technically, that some of these anatomical donations were not made with informed consent. And while, yes, this is a matter to be taken very seriously, the contributions this exhibit makes to the field of science and education were clearly obvious at the exhibit itself, on the faces of those in attendance. Anyways, decide for yourself, but not before seeing this exhibit!

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