Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The whole system is out of order!

Yep. "Never don't commit a crime" is about as much sense as criminal justice seems to be making these days. I get stopped for nothing, and later a good friend of mine gets traumatically slapped on the head by some kids rushing off the subway, only to have the majority of those on board with her laugh at her misfortune as the kids get away scott free. Today I read that a double-decker tour bus at 51st street (those big red ones with all the goofy tourists) was suddenly surrounded by 100 ARMED POLICE OFFICERS, and all the passengers were forced off the bus and searched for the sole reason that a bus dispatcher called 911 after seeing "three arabic men with backpacks" get on the bus with all the other tourists. Yep, that was the entire threat. Elsewhere, other new yorkers have begun volunteering to have their bags searched at Grand Central today as a show of patriotism - the cops were happy to spend their time searching those who volunteered, and together both parties insured the safe, unchecked passage of anyone with anything to hide. Up is Down! Left is Right! The world sinks further into a head-slappingly bad comedy routine.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to mention that soon-to-be-incarcerated-for-a-very-very-long-time maniac who threw a backpack onto a Penn station subway car as "a joke." Incidentally, nobody would notice a bombing there anyway--it's already 9000 degrees and full of debris in the station.

The once and future Dr. Science said...

Yeah, that's messed up. Apparently the whole evacuation (I think we're talking about the same event) took something like seven minutes, and the police kept having to force people to leave because no one took it seriously.

There's also a report due to come out this week from the Pentagon on the Iraq situation - some of the highlights, I've read, will be the news that the Iraqi police force is desperately in need of manpower, and that a great deal of the recruits they are able to get turn out to be - yep, you guessed it - insurgents looking to further cripple the police.

things...they aren't quite right, are they...