Friday, July 29, 2005

Momma said knock you out

At Jaina's suggestion - a detail which further serves to show how cool she is - the current residents of the fourth floor headed to Rumble On the River, a 12-match boxing extravaganza, or boxaganza, at the Hudson River Park last night.

The event showcased some really fun matches, although the outcomes were sometimes predictable - every person who pranced around in their corner before the fight inevitably lost.

Anyways, the Jainasaurus and I had a wonderful time, and even managed to snag two free, matching T-shirts for some boxing website (and you know how I am about free t-shirts). Serious roomate bonding? Check. Now if only andrew would come back from retainer, I mean...the navy. Right. The Navy...where he is proudly serving humanity and NOT attending workshops about proper headgear maintenance...

Gotta go!

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