Monday, July 04, 2005

Photographs and recuperation

As I attempted these past few days to sail past the rough patches of sea described in a recent post, I was still kinda feeling down. Yes, I found out I got an A in my really tough class, but it was also one of my most enriching classes to date, and now it's over. The costume dance party on Friday night, about which I was very excited and ready with a bizarre costume, was a complete bust and totally lame. So when it came time for Saturday's "Mad Scientists' Ball," I found my luck had changed - I was going to be accompanied by a tall, blonde bolt of lightning named Monica.

It's really tough to stay sad when she's your company and you're both dressed like a mad scientists, on your way to dance your brains out. Monica and I have had a lot of the same woes lately, but, as any good scientist can tell you, if you put the right reagents together in the right conditions...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Monica's choker is fabulous!