Wednesday, September 26, 2007

On the subjects of Freemasonry, salsa dancing, and Die Hard: The Puppet Musical

This past Saturday I attended a rare performance of Die Hard: The Puppet Musical!! If you liked the first Die Hard movie, you really owe it to yourself to see it acted out by puppets. The whole thing is totally, wonderfully, over-the-top ridiculous. The production's kinda sloppy, but in some strange way, that works. Puppets exploding, making friends, committing goofy acts of violence, falling in love, and singing funny you really need anything more?

On Tuesday, my salsa teacher was on the Today show! She participated in the Today show's version of Dancing with the Stars, which entailed her teaching Tiki Barber how to cha-cha. She did a great job, particularly considering how little time they had to work together. Just another reason I'm so proud to be her student!

And in my most important news, I passed my second degree test and am now a Fellow Craft (2nd degree) Mason. (Only one more degree to go.) Our lodge, being a very old-school lodge, handles the test differently, in a way that is more stressful and asks more of the candidates than other lodges. But I really think I got much more out of the experience because I was held to high expectations. In theory I'll take my third degree test in February.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, this show sounds amazing. i don't even think I need to see it; reading the title is entertainment enough. it is my goal to actually speak to you this week. it's only taken us like six months or so.