Friday, August 17, 2007

A brush with greatness that could have ended in the Cobra Clutch

After a harrowing ride from a cab driver I'm pretty sure was drunk or on something (he drove backwards down the freeway part of the trip), I arrived at the airport this morning and ran into an old college friend, Marit Dewhurst (who played the receptionist in The American Superhero Applies for a Job). She was on her way to Seattle, and we were catching up as she lined up to board her plane. I happened to notice the person lining up behind her, and I quickly whispered to Marit, "Do you know who that is standing behind you?!" She didn't, so I told her. And she said, loudly, "Sergeant who?"

" Sergeant Slaughter!" I said. I broke my practice of never approaching celebrities, and said hello to him and shook his hand, and told him I was a big fan. The line started to move then, and Marit kept asking, "wait, who is that?" so that was about it. Afterwards, a young couple came up to me to ask if that was the Sarge they'd seen, so I was a little glad I wasn't the only one to be caught up in the nostalgia of simpler days and better pro wrestling!

EDIT: you know, looking at that wikipedia page, I see we share a birthday and a home town. Coincidence?

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