Monday, March 27, 2006

Supplies! He wasn't kidding. Red Snapper IS very tasty.

Now that I live life mostly on the solo tip, I have been trying to find new ways to entertain myself. One is cooking new foods. I prepared foods for myself (albeit simple stuff) in Brooklyn all the time, and now I'm branching out to try new things. Recent highlights include Red Snapper, White Bass, Lance Bass, a bevy* of vegetable side dishes, and a cut of discount meat so large it could only be called El Gigante. Still simple stuff, but fun to make nonetheless.

*in keeping up the carnivocentrism of this post, I used "bevy" - primarily used in english to describe a group of animals - when listing the vegetables. Also, you may have discerned that I now maintain the hobby of terribly bad jokes, funny only to me.

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