Friday, December 02, 2005

What do you mean, "update?" + update! (no, the irony is not lost on me)

Cah-razy busy right now. Work is pretty frustrating, and has been for the last while; I adduce my having to go in on Thanksgiving morning and every day that weekend to keep to a time table that is unreasonable while running experiments that are redundant. I further offer as evidence the fact - but keep this on the QT - that the other employees in the lab have all recently decided it is time to move on to other jobs because they tire of working here.

In the meantime, as I struggle to find the energy to update about having dinner with Susie and Thanksgiving dinner and the rest of my trip to Japan, I offer you the following exemplar of horrendous pseudo-science for your laughter and gnashing of teeth.

Behold: Hetracil!

Now do yourself a favor and go back to PandaCam.

EDIT: Super-awesome internet-ster Naomi found out the real deal on Hetracil, which makes the story not an awful one but rather really, really interesting. Check it out here.
Consider me fooled, and impressed!

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