Friday, September 30, 2005

Um...are you sure you're a doctor?

This sign (you can click on the pic to make it larger) was posted on the door of a nearby conference room at work. It hung there for about a week - notice there is no date on the sign - and was the absolute first thing I took a picture of with my new camera.

Ah,science. Wooing the ladies with questionable, handmade signs since last thursday.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Can't wait to see what else you take pictures of...speaking of pictures, what program do you use to post pictures on your blog? I'm sick of flickr.

Also, can we hang out soon?

The once and future Dr. Science said...

Yeah, Flickr was great at first and then sorta stopped working so well. The easiest way, methinks, is to use the built-in photo thingie that is available when you go to create a post. Click on the little "upload picture" button (which looks like the "insert picture from file" icon from PowerPoint) and go to town!

And yes, we need to hang out soon, for on friday I vacate NYC for a solid 25 or so days. Maybe phone call? Maybe clown care. Long pants long pants.