Sunday, January 08, 2006


More can and will be said on this when I get internet access of my own, but for now, suffice it to say that I have returned to Michigan to start teaching at the University thereof. I've been here since wednesday, I miss NYC terribly, and I am very curious about how the course I am teaching will go. The best news is that Athena is coming to visit next weekend and Tillotama has also agreed to come see me in the great white north. This will take some getting used to, methinks. Anyways, just wanted to let y'all know what I'm up to.

If you're in Michigan, holla.


Anonymous said...

Teaching? At THE University of Michigan? That's amazing. I hope to be down there soon from the even whiter, even norther great North.

consider this a holla.
If you ever find yourself on the western side of said state, holla back.

Anonymous said...

I'm wicked excited to come visit you too!!

Anonymous said...

Also, I think this will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

aside from moving back in may, i'm hoping to make it back during spring break in march, so you can be assured i'll be getting in touch. can't wait--i'm thinking ice cream and comic books...