Sunday, July 09, 2006

It lives! Or, Return of the Brooklyn!

One of my old Aikido senseis imparted to our class, during a lecture one day, that should we find ourselves in an unusual or uncomfortable situation, and we're having trouble figuring out what to do, we should "draw our own compass."

Well, that's fine advice, and it's served me well these many years. But if you had put me in front of that class that day, my advice would have gone like this: "If you find yourself in an unusual or uncomfortable situation, and you're not sure what to do...go see you some dinosaurs! Preferably eating each other. Also...

Say hello to some creepy monkeys!

And watch a a group of people who don't know they're about to have a whale fall on them.

Maybe I should stick to being a student of Aikido, and not become a teacher ever. Today I attended the American Museum of Natural History on 79th and Central Park West. Yesterday I got into Brooklyn after an all-night dance party - in my honor - at Jose's. Andrew and I painted my new room, and spent most of the day interviewing prospective roomates. We settled on a Swedish architect, who, when asked if she was friends with the Swedish chef, did not miss a beat in replying that he was her father. I think she'll do just fine.

Leaving was particularly bittersweet this time, for reasons I'll write more about when I have the emotional capacity to do so. For now I'm off to have nightmares about this exhibit (pictured below) from the museum.

So farewell, messy old apartment.
Hello, soon to be messy new/old apartment!

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