Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I am eating bunny marshmallows and commenting on Art

First of all, this movie looks fantastic:
"The Fall," directed by Spike Jonze. A bit like Pan's Labyrinth meets Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Second, I am calling shenanigans on the Jonathan Schorr Gallery. I went there for a birthday party with Erin (my de facto cooking teacher) and one of the installations, well, I was immediately struck by its similarity to the beautiful lithographs that adorn my edition of Dante's Divine Comedy. Upon closer inspection - that's exactly what they were: the "artist" had, as he stated in his description of the piece, cut the lithographs out of the book and pasted them together. That's it. How does that get you a spot in a gallery?

Maybe I'll stick some of these bunny marshmallows together and put them in a gallery.

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